Let’s Talk About Grief


This month we are going to spend some time thinking about grief.  Each one of us has lost something, a loved one, a pet, a job, an opportunity, a love.  

As a country, we went through profound change during Covid. Part of those changes might be experienced as loss.  More people are working from home and don’t have the same level of community in the office, some people lost loved ones, some people lost relationships because of differences about how to handle Covid and many of us lost a sense of security, at least for a short period of time, when we walked into grocery stores and isles were empty.  We talk about Covid as though it’s over, and for the most part, it might be.  But the changes and the losses we experience are still with us.

This month we are going to talk about loss and recovery from loss using the body as a partner in recovery.  Particularly using asanas to help deal with grief and loss.

What is an asana? In yoga, it is a pose or posture that one holds while breathing. It goes beyond a typical yoga pose and incorporates the importance of mental and spiritual aspects.

We recognize that we are mind-body-spirit beings and for healing to be complete and to return to wholeness, we address those parts of ourselves.  Moving our bodies can help us process, release, and transform difficult emotions.  If this sounds strange, please keep an open mind and hold the space of curiosity.  

Working through loss and grief is complex. One day things may seem fine, the next it seems like the world might end. If this resonates with you, you can get help here at Harper Therapy. Call us today at 813-434-3639.


We Numb Ourselves So Much It Is Hard To Deal With Our Grief
